Common symptoms of depression


Photo: Beliefnet

The news about suicide is increasing, recently the public is animated by cases of suicide of certain public figures. One of the reasons they made the decision because of depression.

Many people think that depression is just a matter of thinking or moody attitude. In fact, the symptoms of depression go beyond that.

ALSO READ: 6 Trigger Depression Habits, Number Three Unexpected

Even depression can inhibit the victims in their daily activities. The most common symptoms of depression are:

  1. Loss of interest once loved
  2. I just wanted to be alone
  3. Still looking morose, when his tone always sounds sad
  4. Difficult to concentrate
  5. Difficulty sleeping
  6. Eating
  7. Memory deficiency, difficult to remember simple things

Before really depression, these symptoms usually occur for at least two weeks.

ALSO READ: Recognize signs if you are depressed

the heavy, might be the idea of ​​committing suicide to plan the danger of self harm. So be careful, and refresh yourself immediately. []

Happiness ready to be happy

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