Competitiveness in figures Buntut, RI Chase Number of scientific publications from Singapore – VIVA


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VIVA – Minister of Technology of Research and Higher Education (Menristekdikti) Prof. According to Mohamad Nasir, innovation is the main driver of improving the country's economic competitiveness.

"Large countries and large amounts of resources will not be able to win without innovation," Nasir told the UGM campus on Monday, July 2, 2018. [AccordingtotheWorldCompetitivenessconduct(CGI)2017isclbaded36thout137countries"Singaporehasnumbered3Malaisiea23yearswhen&Indonesiaisatthe32ndposition"hesaid

The nation's low competitiveness has stated that one of the causes came from the world of higher education, the quality of graduates and the resulting skill was lower than that of graduates from neighboring countries

. Until 2014, the number of new Indonesian scientific publications rose to 4,000, Singapore to 19,000 publications and Malaysia to 28,000 publications

"With the improvement of the system, the number Indonesian publications will reach 18,500 in 2017 and surpbad Singapore with 16,800 publications and surpbad Singapore in 2018. "

Currently, the number of scientific articles published in the most prestigious international journals is still occupied by Malaysia. Therefore Nasir target in 2019 Indonesia can become a leader in ASEAN in terms of scientific publications. This dream is not a joke because it has prepared a number of steps to get there.

"Let's hope that Indonesia becomes 1945 leader in Southeast Asia," he hopes. ] Measures taken include increasing the research budget to encourage the birth of more qualified publications

"This is for all campuses and PTN BH we prioritize," said Nasir.

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