Compiled nuclear energy roadmap, people asked no need to worry


Warta, Jakarta

The National Energy Council develops a roadmap (roadmap) Nuclear Energy. The development of the nuclear power plant was defined in the National Energy Design (RUEN) until 2050.

Abadi Purnomo, a member of the National Energy Council, said that people do not know Were not worried about the existence of nuclear energy in Indonesia. He also admitted, nuclear energy technology has been responsible, although the construction of a power plant requires a significant cost.

"The nuclear power plant is at a safe stage and nuclear energy also generates lower prices than other energies," he told Jakarta on Thursday (28/6/2018).

Example of Japan's Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant The nuclear power station (nuclear power plant) requires a huge cost of about $ 7 million per megawatt (MW).

He added that Japan's nuclear energy technology was made more sophisticated after the earthquake several years ago. "In fact, the dome is hit by a plane that will not be destroyed and the earthquake of 8 SR will not move," he said.

He added that the nuclear power plant is capable of producing a capacity of 1,000 to 2,000 MW. The development of the nuclear power plant is nothing but responding to the demand for electricity in Indonesia which is expected to increase rapidly

"No need to wait until the" power station ". Fossil energy is exhausting to build a nuclear power plant, better prepared as soon as possible. "

He also explained that the road map of nuclear energy was approved by President Joko Widodo at the plenary meeting of the three national energy councils

"According to the plenary meeting , we should have built the nuclear power plant in India, the construction of nuclear power plants up to 16 years, "he said.

In addition to building nuclear energy, he added, the development of EBT should also be conducted mbadively.The National Energy Board continues to reach its target of 23% by 2025.

"We continue to encourage the development of EBT up to 23% up to 2025. Indeed, one of the hurdles is low-rate financing." interest. "

However, he continued, the government seems to have sought to find a financial solution for the financing of the project. EBT in favor of the promoters can be helped. One of them is to invite stakeholders such as the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to discuss the financing facility of the EBT project. OJK was also willing to make a protocol of understanding (19459008).

The Director of New Energy and Renewable Energy at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Harris, confirmed that. A total of 13 companies submitted their profiles to the Financial Services Authority (OJK). Thirteen companies are part of 42 companies that have funding constraints to work on new renewable energy projects (TENs). The entire company signed an Electricity Purchase Agreement (PPA) with PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN).

In the PPA mentioned, the search for funding is given 12 months since the signature. [19659003"Actuellementseulement13entreprisessoumettentleurprofilellessontgénéralementpréoccupéesparl'intérêtélevédesbanquesNoustransmettronscesinformationsàOJKpourunediscussionplusapprofondieavecOJKafindedéterminerl'optiondumécanismedefinancement"didildéclaréetDirectiondesrelationspubliquesdesimpôtsHestuYogaSaksamaaajoutéenplusdufinancementdescontraintespourdévelopperEBTégalementlapolitiquebudgétaireconnexeParcequeledéveloppementdel'EBTjusqu'àmaintenanttoujoursenconflitpolitiquefiscaleliéeàl'énergiefossileLapolitiqued'incitationpourEBTdevraitégalementrationaliserlapolitiquesurlessubventionspourlecarburant

"Therefore, if we want to develop the & # 39; EBT then we have to give incentives, so for fossils we have to give disincentives, "he said.

According to data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), completion of EBT sector investments until April 2018 reached 14.7% of the total. this year's goal. From January to March 2018, investments reached US $ 294 million. In fact, the goal is 2.01 billion US dollars.

The biggest investment achievement came from geothermal energy of $ 1.21 billion. Then, various EBTs rose to 718 million USD, followed by bioenergy investments of 72 million USD and the last 5 million USD came from investments in energy conservation.

This year, 512 MW of EBT plant will be built. There are 11 priority areas of EBT development in Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua. The total EBT potential is about 225 Giga Watt (GW).

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