Confident government of low inflation maintain power level


June inflation of 3.21 percent below 2017 of 4.37 percent

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Head of the Tax Policy Bureau (BKF) Suahasil Nazara said that the rate of Inflation is relatively maintained in June 2018 can help people consumption. As is known, inflation in June 2018 rose to 0.59%.

"Maintaining a low rate of inflation is important because the largest component of gross domestic product (GDP) is consumption," Suahasil said Monday at the parliament headquarters (2/7).

Suahasil stated that public consumption should be maintained. 5 percent for economic growth to grow higher. This, he said, can be achieved with the support of low inflation and increased public revenues.

"The power of purchase is not consumed by high inflation Now that the government maintains fuel and electricity tariffs, it maintains its inflation," said Suahasil.

Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) reported inflation in June 2018 was 0.59 percent over the previous month. With this figure, the cumulative inflation rate from January to June 2018 is 1.9%. Meanwhile, compared year by year (year on year / year), the inflation rate has reached 3.12%.

"The 0.59% inflation compared to the previous year's Eid period was lower," said Suhariyanto, head of the BPS, in Jakarta on Monday (2 / 7).

Suhariyanto said, of 82 cities monitored, all experienced inflation. The highest inflation occurred in Tarakan of 2.71% and the lowest in Medan and Pekanbaru respectively 0.01%.

Compared to the previous year 's Eid period, inflation in June 2018 was lower. Suhariyanto said, inflation in June 2017 and the inflation rate in July 2016 was 0.69 percent.

Each year, inflation in June 2018 was also lower than that of June 2017, which was 4.37% and in July 2016, of 3.21%.

"With an annual inflation rate of 3.12%, it remains in the government's inflation target of 3.5 plus minus 1% this year," Suhariyanto said.

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