Construction of the Manahan Flyover solo road completed in October


Manahan surpbad the construction work at Solo. The project is expected to be completed in October 2018. – Ministry of Public Works JAKARTA – The Ministry of Public Works and Popular Housing completes the flight over Manahan to Solo which aims to overcome the traffic jams caused by the Solo-Yogyakarta Crossing

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono is aiming for the crossing by October 2018. As of June 6, 2018, construction progress is in line with the 26% plan.

The cost of flying over 9 meters is Rp43.05 billion. The flight over Manahan will facilitate the movement of vehicles from Jalan Jalan Adi Sucipto and Jalan M.T. Haryono to Jalan dr. Moewardi and vice versa

The construction was carried out by the National Center for Getting Started (BBPJN) VII, the Directorate General of Highways (Bina Marga) in cooperation with PUPR Balitbang PUPR Research Center using 19459013 corrugated mortar Foam Pusjatan [19659003] This technology is a technological development of lightweight mortar mortar with corrugated steel structure. The same technology was formerly used by the PUPR Ministry to build the Antapani overflight in Bandung, West Java, which was inaugurated last year

"The benefits are a 50% faster construction period compared to Concrete construction .If the use of concrete construction takes 12 months, the use of the technology takes only 6 months, "Basuki said through a press release on Thursday (28/6 / 2018)

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