Consumer Appreciation, Cost gives Umrah prices or visits to Turkey every day

[ad_1] – PT Pendekar Bodoh (DCost Seafood) ran a program of "Sharing the Blessing of Umrah Every Day" as a form of appreciation for consumers. Through this program, the company has shipped the DVost consumer to the Holy Land or toured Turkey.

Dumbbell CEO Pendekar (Dcost Seafood) David Vincent Marsudi said, this appreciation is given to customers by pulling every day.

"This program is held from July 15, 2018 to October 15, 2018, with the mechanism of each purchase of at least Rp 50,000, valid for multiples will get a lottery number to draw the next day", he says quoted in Wednesday (25/7).

He indicated that the selected winners will be contacted directly by phone from DCost 021-50207700 from 9:00 to 10:00 and announced on social networks ( Facebook ] and Instagram) officially at 10:00 to 11:00.

"The drawing is done every day by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Social Service, Police, Notary and Cell. (19659003) Date July 15, 2018: Dedi H of Tasikmalaya dined at Plaza Mayasari DCOST , Tasikmalaya
Date July 16, 2018: Diyah S from Jakarta Eating at DCOST Tamini Square, East Jakarta
Date Jul 17, 2018: Tri Widya A from Jakarta Eating at DCOST VIP AEON Jakarta Garden City
Date July 18, 2018 : Hesni of Banjarmasin eating at DCOST Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan
Date 19 July 2018: Irma Soraya of Surabaya dined at DCOST Royal Plaza, East Java
Date July 20, 2018: Mimi of Jakarta eats at DCOST Seasons City, West Jakarta
July 21, 2018 2018: Sri Utami of Jakarta eats at DCOST Tamini Square, East Jakarta
Date July 22, 2018: Freddy N of Jakarta eats at DCOST ITC Depok, Depok
Date July 23, 2018: Teguh Rully S of Mojokerto man at the DCOST Sunrise Mall, Mojokerto

He insists, no free winner, DCost tax. Umrah travels for 9 days, leaving Jakarta

"For the winner who has been elected but not ready to be replaced or replace an equivalent trip to Turkey so that all our consumers can join the program DCOST Share Blessing Umroh Any Day. "[Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod? (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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