Consumption increases, Pertamax Turbo will surprise for loyal users |

[ad_1] – Fuel Petroleum (BBM) Pertamax Turbo type celebrates its 2 years. To this end, Pertamina Marketing Operation Region (MOR) distributed prizes to the loyal users of Pertamax Turbo Sunday (29/7).

The Staff of Pertamina MOR I went directly to the General Fuel Filling Station (SPBU) in the Jalan Putri Merak Jingga area to distribute the gifts to the loyal consumers of Pertamax Turbo. Some gifts are shared to Pertamax users from keychains, t-shirts with Pertamax Turbo logo t-shirts.

"We directly attract Pertamax Turbo's customers, so they are attracted to the spot and bring the price back home," said PT Pertamina MOR I's Junior Officer, Yoga Prabowo, Sunday (29/7).

  Consumption increases, Pertamax Turbo surprises loyal users
Pertamina MOR I distributes prices to customers of Pertamax Turbo Sunday (29/7). (Prayugo Utomo /

Bowo explained, Pertamax Turbo continues to experience increased consumption since its launch in July 2017. Pertamina MOR J 'noted, the use of Pertamax Turbo reaches 8 cents kilo liters per month. In 2018, the use of Pertamax Turbo pbades to thousand Kiloliters.

"Most of those who use it are four-wheelers, but two-wheelers are no less so," he said.

Up to now, the use of Pertamax Turbo is mainly in the city of Medan. In some other areas, not all gas stations provide Pertamax Turbo. In the future, Yoga, Pertamina MOR I plans to increase the number of suppliers of Pertamax Turbo.

"We have therefore prepared the plan in this sense also, if the addition is conducted by market research, until now, it is still researching to know the areas that will be completed this year ", he said.

Meanwhile, Suti, one of the customers said, while using Pertamax Turbo, his car engine has become more refined. The attraction of the machine also improves. "I want to use because it's good, the engine looks clean," he said.

Wahyudi is also a resident of the city of Medan. He still uses Pertamax Turbo for his bike. In addition to being more efficient, Pertamax Turbo makes the Matiknya motorcycle traction more stable.

"If you use Pertamax Turbo more effectively in its use, it's good for us who rely on motorcycles when transport goes to work," he said.

The increase in Pertamax Turbo consumption has been predicted before, as the increasingly intelligent Indonesian people choose fuel. Thanks to the international certification, Pertamax Turbo is also proven to provide maximum acceleration of vehicle engines. With RON 98, in addition to maintaining the vehicle engine, Pertamax Turbo is also able to maximize the performance of the vehicle engine.

(pra / JPC)

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