Continue the peace process, Eritrea returns to the embassy open in Ethiopia


ADDIS ABABA, – Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki on Monday inaugurated the reopening of his country's embbady office in Ethiopia (16/7/2018).

Launch AFP reopening of embbadies as part of a series of peace efforts undertaken by both countries after two decades of opposing war.

Not only ushered in the reopening of the embbady, ​​President Isaias to the Ethiopian capital aims to further unify the two countries after the declaration of end (19459007) EBC President Isaias seems to be waving the Eritrean flag, while Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed handed over the keys of the embbady building that had been closed for years.

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the return of the Eritrean embbady in Ethiopia marked the end of the Three-day visit of President Isaias

Isaias had previously visited the industrial complex and attended an official dinner

The reopening of the Eritrean Embbady was also greeted by thousands of citizens L & ## Ethiopia congratulates President Isaias and the two leaders who promised to build a new commitment to cooperation between two countries. "The two countries have chosen peace and put an end to the war," said Prime Minister Abiy,


Eritrea was formerly part of Ethiopia, which declared independence in 1993, after years of bloody war. From 1998 to 2000, about 80,000 people lost their lives.

N Last month, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy announced that the country accepted the demarcation and surrendered its territory to Eritrea, although he did not withdraw his troops from the territory [19659002] Also read: Two Eritrean asylum seekers became suspects at the Swedish shop Ikea [19659015]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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