Controversy of sweetened condensed milk can restless cattle breeders |

[ad_1] – Cow farmers confess uncomfortably with the controversial Sweet Milk Milk (SKM) that has recently rolled. The Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) of Kemvali has redressed the controversy.

Perka BPOM Issue 21/2016 mentions that there are 9 types that fall into the subcategory of evaporated milk, evaporated milk, evaporated skimmed milk, evaporated vegetable fat milk, sweetened condensed milk, sweet condensed sweetened milk, sweetened condensed milk, sweetened condensed cream, sweetened condensed cream and khoa.

The President of the Indonesian Dairy Cooperative Association (GKSI), Dedi Setiadi, said that up to now, local livestock keepers depend on the country's significant milk market potential, including dairy products. sweet condensed. On the contrary, sweetened condensed milk producers rely heavily on local dairy farmers to provide good quality fresh milk to deliver the best products to consumers.

"Sweetened condensed milk is produced from the basic ingredients of fresh milk absorbed by thousands of dairy cows belonging to local breeders scattered throughout various parts of Indonesia, thousands of tons of raw milk have pbaded the quality control process of dairy cooperatives. "said Dedi who also served as president of North Bandung Breeders Cooperative (KPSBU) in a written statement Saturday (21/7).

Dedi added, a positive relationship between dairy farmers and dairy farmers The presence of SKM began since the 1870s in the form of imports, but it can be slowly produced independently in Indonesia.

Since then, sweetened condensed milk companies have regularly absorbed dairy yields from local dairy farmers who have directly contributed to improving the welfare of dairy farmers in Indonesia, including GKSI members who count to the point of 120,000 breeders. Meanwhile, the production capacity of sweetened condensed milk plant in the country currently reaches 812,000 tons per year with an investment value reaching Rp 5.4 billion and a total absorption of 6,652 people.

South Bandung Livestock Cooperative Chairman (KPBS)) Aun Gunawan. He hopes the government and all stakeholders in the dairy industry can have an online vision to develop this industry that has tremendous potential.

"The level of milk consumption of Indonesia is still relatively low: 12 liters per person per year, compared to other ASEAN countries that reach more than 20 liters per year. per capita and per year while dairy raw materials, "Aun explained.

Local dairy farmers strive to meet raw milk raw material requirements for the domestic dairy industry. "The presence of various issues on the dairy market that can make controversy may be increasingly burdensome for all industry players and more will certainly affect the income of dairy farmers," he said. he badures.

In the upstream sector, the dairy industry conducts various partnership programs in infrastructure and educational development for dairy farmers to produce fresh milk of excellent quality. One of them, from the Indonesian Frisian Nestlé and Indolakto Pavilion, has conducted various partnership programs with local dairy farmers, ranging from consulting, education, installation and training programs. direct training.

Andrew F. Saputro, Director of Institutional Affairs, PT Frisian Flag Indonesia (FFI), said that until now, he was working with local livestock keepers to provide raw materials to the company since a long time. "The expansion of the dairy industry will certainly increase the demand for fresh dairy raw materials, every day we receive hundreds of tons of fresh milk from dairy farmers in various areas of the island of Java. We strongly engage in a partnership program with local dairy farmers.The resulting quality, so that it can help improve the welfare of pastoralists, "said Andrew.

(IKA / JPC )

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