Coordinating Minister Luhut: Pilot Garuda strikes tomorrow has become Minister of Public Affairs


JAKARTA, – Minister Responsible for Maritime Affairs, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Reluctant to Respond to the Threat of a Garuda Indonesia Pilot Airstrike this Month

while previously the Department of Marine conducted between the Garuda Pilots Association (APG) and the management of Garuda Indonesia

"I do not know anymore, my duty is over, I left it to Minister Rini, "said Luhut at his office Tuesday (3/7/2018

Read: The mediation is not in expectation, Garuda Pilot insures the strike of flies

According to Luhut , what is the task of the Ministry of the Interior in the mediation is completed

Now the regulation is submitted Luhut to the state-owned enterprise Department of State (SOE) headed by Rini Soemarno. [19659007"We'redoneletMinisterRinifinish"Luhutadded

Preaching The APG has stated its position to continue the strike in early July 2018. This attitude was taken because the representatives of the pilots were unhappy with the outcome of the mediation between them and the management of Garuda Indonesia.

The Ministry of the Interior acts as a mediator in mediation. "We are preparing to go on strike," said APG President Captain Bintang Hardiono.

Star mentions APG with Garuda Indonesia Employees Union or Sekarga agreed to take steps to strike

They plan to meet in advance Thursday (5/7/2018) at a place called Pilot House to discuss in more detail of the strike mechanism that they will do.

Asked about the results of the mediation that did not satisfy the drivers, Bintang did not give details. He promises to give a detailed explanation when all the preparations for the strike have reached maturity.

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