CPO Export I / 2018 corrected semester


Illustration – Bloomberg / Taylor Weidman

Bisnis.com JAKARTA-The palm oil export during the first half of 2018 was recorded as a correction of 2% compared at the same time last year.

The export volume of Indonesian palm oil (CPO, PKO and derivatives, including oleochemical and biodiesel) was recorded to reach only 15.30 million tons or decreased by 15.62 tonnes in the first half of 2017 (19459013) oleochemical and biodiesel) from January to June 2018, reached only 14.6 million tonnes or decreased by 6% of the half-year [19659003] Meanwhile, for the export volume of CPO, PKO and its derivatives (excluding oleochemical and biodiesel) I / 2017.

"The decline in exports is an exacerbated increase in oil production. palm in Indonesia in the first half of 2018 which reached 22.32 million tons, up 23% over the first half of 2017, "said GAPKI Mukti Sardjono in his official statement Friday (27/7/2018).

He said the increased production of the first half of 2018 was due to weather factors that sustained and influenced El Nino the previous year began to disappear. As for the first half of 2018, continued Mukti the export performance of crude palm oil and its derivatives from Indonesia to the main destination countries is less encouraging, India Exports to India in the first half fell 34% from the same period last year from 3.74 million tonnes in the first half of 2017, falling to 2.50 million tons

"High import duties of India strongly influence deforestation The gradual elimination of food biofuels by the European Parliament also influences the situation.

Registered in the first half of the year In 2011, the EU recorded a 12% drop in the volume of CPO imports and derived products from Indonesia, or 2.71 million tonnes to 2.39 million tonnes from one year to the next (Sliding to The decline in imports during the same period was also recorded by the African country of 10%

. The export volume of CPO and its derivatives from the country has increased. In the first half of 2018, the increase reached 343.31 thousand tons, an increase of 23% year-on-year.

The increase in the volume of imports of Chinese palm oil because of the reduction in value-added tax In addition, the intensification of the trade war between l & # 39; State of the bamboo curtain and the country of Uncle Sam also affects the demand for crude palm oil and its derivatives.

In addition, for the first time since the trade war, China imported biodiesel. The volume of imported biodiesel is significant at 185,886 thousand tons. It is estimated that if the trade war continues, the market prospects of palm oil and biodiesel to China will be bright

On the other hand, exports to the United States also registered a increase of 68.38 thousand tons, or 13% over the same period last year. The Secretary-General of the Indonesian Association of Biofuel Producers (APROBI), Paulus Tjakrawan, estimates that exports to Uncle Sam will increase as Indonesian government lobbying intensifies during the week.

"We think there is a potential increase to offer bioavet to Boeing," he said.

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