Danger! Do not use the Buy HIV online test tools


Report of the Tribune Journalist Jateng Khoirul Muzakki

TRIBUNJATENG.COM, CILACAP – The Spread of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) / AIDS at Kabupaten Cilacap is becoming increasingly troubling. Data from the AIDS Control Commission of Cilacap Regency, until March 2018, 1,124 people in Cilacap District were infected with HIV

HIV transmission is dominated by bad badl, oral, and bad intercourse with infected persons

HIV / AIDS prevention programs, free badual behaviors that dominate the transmission of the disease, are less and less controlled.

The circulation of HIV testing tools (reagents) sold freely on the online market increasingly threatens HIV / AIDS prevention efforts

Thanks to the tool, the community can be controlled irrespective of whether the contents are infected with HIV or not before intercourse.

The problem is whether the early test for HIV detection was accurate

Cilacap District Case Case HIV Case, Rubino Sriadji, the results of the misuse of HIV testing tools stem from recognition from a number of young people and students at Cilacap

They initially felt anxiously infected with the infectious disease through badual contact. "

" They Independently Check HIV by Buying HIV Reagents via the Internet Before having bad, they first check HIV through the HIV reagent. intimate, "he says

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