TRIBUNKALTIM.CO, BONTANG – Outbreaks of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DBD) terror of the inhabitants of the city of Bontang. Data from the Bureau of Health and Family Planning Agency, the period of the first half of this year, reached 78 cases.
Of the total number, it is known that a citizen of the Loktuan urban village was declared dead last May. "The end of June this case has reached 103," said Plt Dinkes and KB Bontang City, Dr. Bahauddin, Tuesday (3/7).
Explained, the high intensity of rain in Bontang trigger the growth of Aedes Agypti mosquitoes. For this, he continues to urge citizens to pay attention to the free environment of these dengue mosquito burrows.
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According to him, Bontang becomes endemic city dengue fever. This amount can be natural because the mosquito breeding cycle is recorded quarterly in a year. "We also have the form of anti-larval workgroup, but the implementation is not maximal," he said.
Data from Health & Family, the largest number was in South Bontang with a total of 52 victims. The details are the cases of Central Base Kelurahan 15, Tanjung Laut in sub-district 12, Tanjung Laut Indah in sub-district 11, Coastal Base Village 10 cases and Kelurahan Satimpo and Bontang Lestari respectively 2 and 1965. Read: Topless Women Hijacking Bulldozers, The explanation!
While the district of North Bontang from January to July rose to 21 cases. Most DBD sufferers are in the fire-fighting village of 10 cases. Kelurahan Loktuan is in second place with 6 patients and one person is dead. Third, the village of Mount Elai with a total of 2 patients
While the villages of Bontang Kuala, Bontang Baru and Guntung each have 1 case. While the district of West Bontang is a district that has developed slightly epidemics of DHF with a total of 4 patients.
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this dengue disease. Follow-up is accompanied by control measures, which highlight to the community the removal of Aedes aegypti mosquito larvae and its intensive rearing once a week.
"Bontang is a zone of dermatosis, so there are always dengue cases.)
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