JOHANNESBURG, KOMPAS.com – A woman declared dead by a traffic accident was found alive in the refrigerator of the corpse a few hours later
The accident occurred on June 24 in the early morning near Carletonville, near Johannesburg, South Africa, when the car driven by the woman from Gauteng Province lost control and overturned several times
Later, eight hours were buried. , The baby was found alive
After being transported to Carletonville Hospital, the woman and two other people were declared dead. It was reported by the Times Times
However, a few hours later, the medical examiner was shocked when the woman was removed from the refrigerator apparently he was still breathing.
The woman who suffered a head injury is now hospitalized.
While the police are trying to investigate how the medical team could commit such a fatal mistake.
"When an officer pulls the woman's body, the officer still sees her breathing," said a source at the Times Select. "
" Paramedics are trained to make sure that a person is alive or dead. "
" Can you imagine that if we had done an autopsy and that he was still alive, that means we killed him, "he said. , n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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