DEN: US $ 7 Million Investment in Nuclear Power Plants by MW | INews Portal


JAKARTA, – The development of a nuclear power plant (NPP) in addition to requiring a lot of time also requires a lot of money. Abadi Poernomo, a member of the National Energy Council (DEN), said, based on the results of a comparative study in Japan, that the value of investments in nuclear energy was 7. millions of US dollars per megawatt (MW). If converted with the exchange rate of Rp14.341 per US dollar to Rp100, 39 billion.

"If from my discussions with my friends in Japan for the last is already up to 7 million US dollars per MW.This is quite high, we see geothermal," he said in the Weekly Forum Discussion of Sindo Weekly Magazine on "The Prosperity of Society, Through New and Renewable Energy, Can?" In Sindo Building, Jakarta, Thursday (28/06/2018).

stated that the construction of nuclear power plants for the initial phase can reach 1 000-2 000 MW.So, the investment value to spend if it wants to build a 1000 MW nuclear power plant rising to Rp100, 39 billion dollars.

The amount of investment is large because of the risk in case of accident.Therefore, the nuclear power plants must be very safe.In his opinion, the safety of the nuclear power plants is high, plus the costs of security and entry etienien will be elevated.

"Nuclear energy is now at the stage of an energy that can be secured, if it is secure it becomes very expensive and it is now [1945-19007] One of Failures in the development of nuclear power plants as in Japan where Fukushima I or the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant exploded during the earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011. Until now the nuclear explosion has left a radioactive magnitude of 5.1 micro sievert per hour while normally 0.05 micro sievert per hour only for the area to be uninhabitable.

However, Japan does not care to build a nuclear plant despite huge losses. Currently, Japan has built from scratch and is named Fukushima Daini. "Why is Fukushima damaged? Because the pump is flooded and the electricity is cut off, so now it is done much higher than the factory (Fukushima Dai-ichi) made save Special diesel generator set for 24 hours surmounting his waterlogged pumps remains operational, "he said.

Therefore, if the government wants to build a nuclear power plant, it will take a roadmap with due regard to prudent financing. "We are in line with the plenary session DEN we are preparing its roadmap with all sorts of considerations in fact when we should install nuclear energy," he said

in the Today's technology era, it is time for the government to reflect on other sources of energy to meet the growing energy consumption of the The reason, if only to rely on fossil fuel that the renewal time is very long in the near future will soon be exhausted not to the left.

Writer: Ranto Rajagukguk

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