Diet and exercise are recommended for obese men


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Everyone, no matter how much weight, must have belly fat. Abdominal fat becomes a problem when it has made the stomach, waist and hip unsightly because it creates a crease so that the body's width gets bigger.

Foods high in fat, alcoholic beverages, lack of exercise and poor quality of life are common causes of fat accumulation in the abdominal region

Abdominal fat is different from the fat of other parts of the body. Excess fat in the waist, hip and abdomen area is stored as subcutaneous fat under the skin.

In fact, this fat is relatively harmless. In fact, it can protect us from diabetes because it can improve the function of insulin regulation.

However, if the percentage exceeds the total muscle mbad in the body, it can increase the risk of diabetes and heart attacks.

Studies of the dangers of excessive abdominal fat are not a new problem. On the contrary, this question has been discussed and studied since the 1940s.

A French doctor, Jean Vague, is the first scientist to observe that some obese patients have normal blood chemistry and some are abnormal.

The blood of patients suffering from acute obesity presents an abnormal blood chemistry that increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Usually, they have a large amount of abdominal fat. Most are men.

Since the past, several studies have confirmed that excess abdominal fat is a dangerous threat to health, especially in men.

So, this condition is not just a side effect of a bad lifestyle. However, a real sign that the chemicals in your body are damaged.

Here are some foods that are very effective at helping men who have excess fat in the abdomen:

Increase the amount of protein in your daily diet to facilitate the abdominal reduction program. About 25 percent of all dishes at each meal.

Section, the protein makes the stomach full quickly and facilitates the process of training muscles that can increase the metabolism so that the weight decreases faster.

It has also been proven that high protein diets reduce the amount of fat in the body.

A study published by International Journal of Obesity in Denmark against 65 people divided into two groups. The first group followed a 12% protein diet. The second group, 25 percent protein.

The result, the first group managed to lose weight up to 22 pounds. However, the most amazing result is the second group who managed to lose 40 kilograms of weight.

The second group was the participant who managed to minimize the percentage of fat in the abdomen.

Do not Stay Away From Fat

Experts advise that healthy foods contain 30% fat. As a result, fat helps you feel fuller longer and lessen your appetite. In addition, fat also produces essential fatty acids that the body needs for optimal health.

Regardless of all this, fat has a psychological impact on you that makes you feel that you have eaten good food.

Wisely consuming carbohydrates

If your protein and fat content is balanced, carbohydrate intake should also be maintained. As a result, carbohydrates help the stomach to feel full and full longer so that it can handle the hunger that is present between meals.

The amount of good carbs is 45 percent of the overall diet. This number is enough to energize the body to absorb nutrients and release energy by exercising.


Running with a climb. Try to train on a treadmill . Next, use the function Tilt to increase the power of tanjak on the machine.

The reason, running with uphill plains can burn fat 50 percent more than running in a straight line.

"Your heart movement will increase rapidly with the intensity of the running practice," says Jill Penfold, a professional coach from Los Angeles, USA.

"You do not have to run fast like sprint," ].

Bottom line, adjust the body condition and strength with your sports options.

board. Running and aerobics are excellent for burning more body fat. Make sure that the exercise is balanced with muscle training, especially in the abdominal area, which one performs regularly board.

Adam Sanford, a professional personal trainer from New York, USA, who also founded Adam Sanford Fitness, advocated curling using the BOSU ball

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