Dinkes targets all children of the measles vaccine


BANJARMASINPOST.CO.ID, BARABAI – The Hulu Sungai Tengah District Health Office is targeting a vaccination program against measles measles rubella (MR) achieved in August 2018 reaching all Children aged nine to 15 in the HST

HSt Sakdillah, Chief Medical Officer, explained that MR is a mbad immunization activity aimed at disconnecting the transmission of measles and rubella virus in children aged 9 months to 15 years without taking into account the previous vaccination status

. Indonesia, "said Sakdillah during a rubella socialization campaign at the HST Regatta Bureau Auditorium on Tuesday (26/6).

Immunization is a milestone positive in the knowledge and understanding of MR vaccine

achieve control of measles and rubella / CRS in 2020.

K Measles and rubella are still common in Indonesia

It is therefore necessary to accelerate efforts to achieve the goal of the elimination of measles and rubella.

Sakdillah revealed that vaccination is the most proven health effort. 19659002) "Immunization protects not only a person but also the community by providing community protection or so-called collective immunity," he said.

Measles is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus with average incubation period no 8-13 days
The symptoms of measles are fever, red spots on the skin accompanied by cough and / or nose and / or conjunctiva.

Regional Secretary of HST H Tamzil reveals this socialization as well as successful government programs to the public.
For all children on the Earth to benefit from vaccination, this should be the duty of all parties.

That the government's action by the health office, Puskesmas, Posyandu in cooperation with religious leaders, figures to be well vaccinated, impacts and benefits. This is done to eliminate people's doubts about the vaccine. (aol * /)

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