Diphtheria patients at Semarang Add one person


Semarangpos.com, SEMARANG – Diphtheria of patients in the city of Semarang has increased by one person. This time the infection caused by the bacterium Corynebacterium Diphtheriae who attacked a girl named A, 11, citizens Perum Korpri, Bangetayu, Genuk District, Semarang City.

Pediatrician dr. Kariadi Semarang, Hapsari, mentions A refers to dr. Kariadi, since Saturday (21/07/2018). He was treated with swollen neck disease

"He was referred to a sore throat swallowing it," Hapsari told Semarangpos.com in dr. Kariadi, Monday (23/7/2018).

With the care of A, practically now there are five patients treated in dr dr. Kariadi, Semarang. Before, there were five patients of Genmen diphtheria who were treated in dr. Kariadi

The five patients were also a family from Genuk Subdistrict, Semarang City. However, among the five one-to-one diphtheria patients, Bn, 12, were rescued unsuccessfully and expired last Thursday (19/7/2018).

Hapsari is deeply concerned about the proliferation of diphtheria virus in the city of Semarang in recent years. Especially since December 2017 until July 2018 there are already 23 positive patients treated by dipfteri in dr. Kariadi, Semarang. Of the 23 patients, four died, two from Semarang and others from Temanggung

"Diphtheria can be prevented only by vaccinating or vaccinating, so when mothers are used to vaccinate children Schools also do not prohibit puskesmas officers from attending school.There is a Semarang school that prohibits or prohibits puskesmas, "added Hapsari

although Many residents of Semarang suffer from defteri, Hapsari hesitates to mention the city Semarang as a red zone of diphtheria or extraordinary condition

"I no comment if it is the authority that has a city to raise the status of home [Wali Kota Semarang, Hendrar Prihadi] ", added the woman with glbades on.

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