Diskes Kalbar commemorates rubella and measles in West Kalimantan


Report of the Tribune Pontianak Reporter, Rizky Prabowo Rahino

TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID, PONTIANAK – Health Service (Diskes) The West Kalimantan Province affirms the commitment of rubella and the measles in the province of West Kalimantan. This commitment is an effort to support the central government program through the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes RI) in 2020.

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Read The head of the West Kalimantan Provincial Health Office, Dr. Andy Jap, confirmed the elimination of rubella and Measles in 2020 and intensively socialized the danger of infectious diseases that could affect the serious complications of the patients.

"The government is very determined to eliminate rubella and measles, one of the measures taken by Diskes Kalbar through socialization," he told Tribune Pontianak on Tuesday afternoon (10/7/2018 ).

Socialization is considered important to support the achievement of vaccination coverage for the community. The reason is that vaccination is a way to fight rubella and measles. As immunization coverage approaches or even reaches 100%, the elimination of rubella and measles will be as effective as the 2020 target.

"To strengthen coordination, we organized an advocacy meeting and the campaign against rubella, "he explained.

He added that the measles vaccine has an effectiveness of 85 percent. Children who do not have a good immune system will become vulnerable to rubella and measles. Rubella is clbadified as an acute and mild illness that is likely to attack groups of children, adolescents, and adults.

"In 2017, the total measles disease in all of Indonesia reached 1,202 cases.Overall cases, 280 cases were sampled with 70 positive measles cases and 58 rubella case, "he added.

Meanwhile, the incidence of extraordinary events (Kalbe) occurred in western Kalimantan in 2017 with 141 cases distributed in nine villages in seven districts of West Kalimantan.

Andy responded in 2017, campaigns against measles throughout Indonesia were held in several areas such as Java and Bali. In 2018, the campaign continued on the island of Borneo, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Papua and Sumatra.

"Diskes Kalbar is committed to eliminating measles and rubella disease by 2020," he said.

He explained that the most effective rubella prevention is vaccination, especially for women who are planning a pregnancy. The overall outcome also proves that the case of rubella has decreased after the increase in vaccination.

"90 percent of people who receive the vaccine will avoid rubella," he says

. The MR vaccine is recommended for children aged 9 months to less than 15 years old.

"The MR vaccine is administered to children aged 9 months and 18 months, and when the child is in 6th grade by the age of six. For adults and children who receive only one dose of MMR vaccine, they can be given an MR vaccine at any age. Similarly, children who have received the MMR vaccine and the MR vaccine can also be given, "he said

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