Disruption CHAPTER, beware of colon cancer


INDOPOS.CO.ID – Colon cancer or colorectal cancer is a type of cancer that is common in almost all ages, especially among the elderly. But in the last decade there was a 30-35 percent increase in people with colon cancer at a young age (under 50).

Digestive Surgeon Digestive Surgeon Hospitals Siloam Kebon Jeruk (SHKJ) Dr. Wifanto Sadityo Jeo, Sp B-KBD says Colon cancer begins with cell growth in the lining of the intestines (mucous membrane) called adenoma polyps. "In the early stages, adenoma polyps can be removed easily, but oftentimes show no symptoms to the sufferer.So, the more growth of cancer cells turns into a malignant disease within 5-10 years," he said. said Wifanto in SHKJ, West Jakarta yesterday.

It is said, the symptoms of colon cancer generally begin with defecation disorder (BAB), in the form of chronic or difficult diarrhea. Other symptoms may include blood chapter, stomach pain, bloating, weight loss, even a ball in the stomach. In the early stages, symptoms not very visible. This makes many colon cancer patients come to the hospital when the disease is chronic and the treatments become difficult. "While the key to the success of colon cancer treatment is the discovery of cancer in the early stages, so that therapy and action are curative." Explained the doctor who also practices at the RSCM. Early detection of colon cancer can be done with multiple exams. With a scanner on the abdomen to help evaluate the outside of the intestine and the abdominal organs badociated with the mbad. Also with stool examination. There is also a method of colonoscopy: the act of inserting a camera into the intestine to badess the lining of the large intestine and then the action of the biopsy if necessary.

While in SHKJ provides a choice of procedure for action. It can be through a colectomy laparotomy procedure which is an approach to lifting certain parts of the large intestine. This surgeon method has to make long slices in the abdomen to access the colon. In addition, the other optional procedure of action is by minimally invasive laporoscopic approach. "Doctors just need to make a small incision to insert a special surgical instrument through modern surgery known as the Minimal Invasive Surgery Center (MISC)," he says

. , its size is only 1-1.5cm. Then connected with a pumping device containing gaseous carbon dioxide. Through the cannula, the abdominal cavity has been developed to create space, to eliminate the tumor / cancer by a minimal incision. After that, the surgeon inserted a laparoscopic camera, a thin tube with a small video camera mounted at one end while the surgeon was controlling it with the help of the monitor as a guide.

The most significant advantage of the MISC laparoscopic procedure is a smaller incision the pain felt even more minimal, the need for pain medication after surgery is not in high doses thus reducing the common side effects. "Adhesion adhesions in the stomach will be minimal because less intestinal manipulation compared to ordinary surgery.The duration of hospitalization is also shortened because postoperative recovery is faster. " (dni)


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