Distribute the land certificate, Jokowi: may be collateral, but …


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – President Joko Widodo aka Jokowi handed over 37,848 certificates of land titles on the sidelines of his visit to South Sumatra. The letter was sent to people in dozens of cities and districts in the province

. According to Jokowi, the government has planned to publish 250,000 certificates in South Sumatra for next year. At the national level, the government is targeting seven million certificates to be issued this year. "I'm going to check what's done and no, next year 9 million should be done," he said, quoted by a written statement on Friday, July 13, 2018.

Read: Shared Land Certificate , Jokowi Umbar still minister of bad

Jokowi the government has 126 million plots to certify. Currently, only 82.5 million fields completed.

He said that the ownership of the land title certificate is one of the important things for every citizen. At least they have the clarity of land status that they have from the certificate. "Land disputes can be with neighbors, communities with communities, communities with government and people with state-owned enterprises because people do not hold the legal title of the land," he said.

Listen: BPN has provided 2.3 million land certificates in the first half of 2018

When distributing land certificates, Jokowi asked the public to properly use the certificate and not to To use for consumption purposes. "If you want to use for the guarantee please, but I have written, calculated and calculated it first.Be careful, you can pay monthly installments, if possible s & # 39; please, "he said.

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