Do it if you come to a country where hepatitis B is endemic

[ad_1], Jakarta If you are coming to a country with endemic hepatitis B, there is one thing to do. You must be vaccinated. According to data from Alberta Health Services, the Immunization Program Standards Manual, Population and Public Health published in 2015, while hepatitis B-endemic countries are found primarily in Africa and Asia. Southeast

Africa, Angola, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Liberia are endemic countries to hepatitis B, while in South Asia -East, Myanmark, Cambodia, China and Indonesia

. After being confronted with the event "The role of diagnostic test in the fight against hepatitis" in Kuningan Plaza, Jakarta, President of the Indonesian Association for Heart Research, Irsan Hasan has done part of his suggestion

Especially if we come from and to the country of hepatitis B with a high endemic, "said Irsan, who is also a gastroenterologist consultant I, wrote Friday (27 / 7/2018).

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