Donald Trump greeted by British citizens in London


A giant Trump balloon is used to make fun of Trump

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LONDON – The visit of US President Donald Trump to the United Kingdom was rejected. Residents demonstrated against the arrival of Trump.

In action they made fun of Trump by showing a giant baby – shaped balloon. The screaming baby was described as a Trump figure.

The baby is wearing a diaper, with hair that has a crest and is holding a cell phone. Protesters protested against Trump's policy on issues ranging from immigration and race relations to women and climate change.

"That's what people should do: get together in their communities, organize and find ways to combat populism and xenophobia that we see not only in the United States but in Europe. ", said Kevin Smith, one of the 16 people behind the balloon.

The protest organizers say they plan to hold protests in around 50 cities in the UK. "We hope that wherever Donald Trump is, he hears and sees the power of British opinion that rejects not only him as a person and yet hated as a person, but the politics and politics that he has. he represents. "Rehman

The creator of the 6-meter high balloon was calling himself a babysitter.They claim that the idea of ​​ballooning comes from comedian Jon Stewart, who is calling in 2016 Trump "Man-baby." They are running a campaign to collect nds to make this giant balloon.

"Describing Trump as a baby is a great way to target his fragile ego, and making fun of him is our main motivation. He does not seem to be affected by the moral anger that stems from his behavior and policies. "

said Matthew Bonner, one of the organizers.

Trump will spend some time in London, having lived in the official residence of the US ambbadador to Regent's Park.

After arriving in England on Thursday afternoon, Trump dined at the birthplace of former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the Blenheim Palace, a hundred miles from London. visited the Prime Minister's residence, Checkers, for talks with May Trump also trudged through Windsor Castle Park for tea with Queen Elizabeth II

Trump, in an interview with Britain & # 39; s Sun denounces London Mayor, Sadiq Khan.He said that Sadiq was not friendly with the US government.Had refused to ban balloon breeding Trump baby.

"I think when they took out a hot air balloon to feel junk, there was no reason for me to go to London, "said Trump in an interview published on Friday. , who has often become the target of Trump's indignation, supported the protests. But he said he did not accept an anarchist demonstration.

"The United States always stands by our side as a beacon of tolerance, openness and respect.This protest is not anti-American, far from it. most of those who walk on Friday will love the United States, just like I. But having a special relationship means that we expect the highest standards to be met and that it also means we are talking when we think that the values that we are holding are threatened, "said Khan

. Donald Trump's visit was one of the largest police self-help operations of recent years.They needed the same resources at the time After meeting in London and beyond, Trump will fly north to play golf at the Turnberry resort in Scotland.

Nevertheless, Trump will still be challenged by rallies and protesters have planned external manifestations. golf course, as well as George Square in Glasgow, and near the United States Consulate in Edinburgh.

but the march for Trump will begin at the US Embbady on the south bank of the Thames and will end Saturday near the Prime Minister's residence at Downing Street.

Sarah Elliott, President of the Republicans Overseas UK, said that Trump should be rewarded he left. He wanted to offer a warm welcome to Trump.

"We want to give a positive aspect to his visit because we think that what emerges from this visit is more important than any possible protest.The UK left the EU in a few months. conclude a free trade agreement with the United States, for Trump, "he said.

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