Dozens of Lebanese children visit the headquarters of Indobatt


Report by Puspen TNI, Lettu Inf Yandra

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, LEBANON – (Pen Konga XXIII-L / UNIFIL, Friday, July 6, 2018). Dozens of Lebanese children under Ms. Chafica of AVSI (Association of International Service Volunteers) visited TNI headquarters Konga XXIII-L / FINUL (TNI) or the Indonesian Battalion (UNOB) for a world peace mission under the auspices of the United Nations. UN).

The arrival of Ms. Chaftia and dozens of Lebanese children were greeted by Dansatgas Indobatt Konga XXIII-L / UNIFIL Lieutenant Colonel Inf Arfan Johan Wihananto SIP, Major Wadan Task Force Inf Didiet Trilaksono and Officers Staff at Rubb Hall Indobatt Headquarters UNP (United Nations Position) 7-1, Adchit al Qusayr, South Lebanon, Thursday (07/05/2018) local time

  Dozens of Lebanese children visit the headquarters of the Indobatt
Dozens of Lebanese children visit the headquarters of the Indobatt (TRIBUNNEWS.COM/PUSPEN TNI / Lettu Inf Yandra)

The event may be Held through the coordination of CIMIC Indobatt personnel with FC CIMIC UNIFIL (Commander of the Civil Force Military Coordination), MCOU UNIFIL (Military Community Outreach Unit) and AVSI (Association of Volunteers in International Service) is an NGO. Goverment Organization) established in Italy and spread across 30 countries to manage education, agriculture, humanity, water and emergencies.

Indobatt Dansatgas Lt Col Fan Ar Johan Wihananto expressed his gratitude for the trust of the Association of Volunteers of the International Service who entrusted Indobatt with one of the objects of his visit. "Welcome to the Indobatt UNP 7-1 General Headquarters to the general public, especially AVSI under the leadership of Ms. Chafica who helped the Lebanese children on this visit, as well as MCOU and FC CIMIC UNIFIL," 19659008 ] Dozens of Lebanese children visit the headquarters of the Indobatt ” width=”700″ height=”393″/>

Dozens of Lebanese children visit the headquarters of the Indobatt (TRIBUNNEWS.COM/PUSPEN TNI / Lettu Inf Yandra)

"May this visit be beneficial to children as the next generation for peace in Lebanon," said Lt. Col. Arfan Johan Wihananto

During his stay at the Indobatt headquarters, dozens Lebanese children with various performances and attractions presented by the Indobatt staff, such as arts and culture and enjoy typical Indonesian snacks. The faces of the children looked very happy. "Indonesia is very … very … good."

  Dozens of Lebanese children visit the headquarters of the Indobatt
Dozens of Lebanese children visit the headquarters of the Indobatt (TRIBUNNEWS.COM/PUSPEN TNI / Lettu Inf Yandra)

Ending his visit to the headquarters of the Indobatt, dozens of children and entourage had Right at Drumband attractions performed by Indobatt soldiers, followed by a static show staging various heavy vehicles of the Indobatt Satgas used daily for the South Lebanon peace mission. (*)

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