Drinking green tea lowers weight, really?


Uzone.id – Green tea is a drink that has many benefits. In green tea, there are catechins that are antioxidants that can help prevent cell damage.

In addition, green tea is also thought to be able to help you lose weight. But is it true?

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Citing Women's Health to be honest, the researchers are not entirely convinced. The notion that green tea can lose weight may be because it plays a role in the body's metabolism

"In particular, the content of catechins and caffeine can speed up the body's metabolism," says Melissa Majumdar, RD, . Dietetics


A Small Study (2018) published in International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Metabolism Exercise found that matcha ( However, the authors of this study are quick to warn that the metabolic effects of matcha should not be overestimated when they are badociated with weight loss.

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A meta-badysis in 2012 also revealed that green tea appears to cause minimal weight loss and insignificant statistics on obese adults.This meta-badysis was published in Cochrane Review . [19659002] Citing Women's Health Melissa said that basically both studies say that green tea can help reduce a little weight.But the amount is so small that you will not realize it maybe pa s


What about current green tea added to sugar or cream

and cream in green tea drink, then you will consume more empty calories (aka consuming drinks with very minimal nutritional value) So Keri Glbadman, author of numerous books on nutrition and nutrition in New York in 19459007 Health

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Keri says that it can also eliminate the effects of green tea on very minimal weight loss.

So, if there is the question, if drinking green tea can help you lose weight? "Maybe not a lot," said Melisa. "But you can put green tea into the healthy diet of the day."

Just a cup of green tea (226 grams) contains about 25 milligrams of caffeine. US Food and Drug Administration ] (FDA) recommends not to consume more than 400 milligrams of caffeine per day.

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