Due to the Rupiah Plus case, the association fintech prepares the billing SOP


ILLUSTRATION. Financial Technology (Fintech)

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA . The Fintech Indonesia Association (Aftech) prepares standard operating procedures (SOPs) for loans to fintech companies lending to the debtor. This POS would be a reference to the financial technology company lending .

Director of Public Policy Aftech Ajisatria M Sulaeman hopes, through such billing SOPs could be the best standard in supporting industry fintech loan in Indonesia. In addition, this billing procedure also supports the policy of the Financial Services Authority (OJK), particularly by encouraging literacy programs and financial inclusion. "The hope could be the best standard of billing practices for the industry with the support of OJK," Aji told Kontan.co.id on Wednesday (25/7).

Aji estimates that this collection procedure can be completed approximately two to three weeks in the future. Currently, the formulation process has been completed at around 75% and is carried out by a special team of badociations.

The collection procedure is deliberately prepared because the code of ethics of fintech loans did not discuss in detail the standards and the billing mechanism. Existing code of ethics, reviewing only the procedure for collection of a loan in default, then the use of a third party in the billing and prohibition of the use of violence physical and mental when billing.

"In the code of ethics later, there will be technical advice for each subject, such as the billing SOP, the procedure of remittance of interest rates to the borrower and others", concluded Aji.

The balance creates this billing procedure, from the example of RupiahPlus. This online credit company pleaded guilty to violating billing procedures that tended to harm the debtor. Such as, collect by accessing contacts outside contacts that have been registered by the borrower, but it also makes threats and abuses to the debtor.

Reporter: Ferrika Sari
Editor-in-chief: Komarul Hidayat


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