During Idul Fitri, there were 10 cases of train throwing


Merdeka.com – Incidents of stone throwing at trains, attempted robberies and accidents occurred during Lebaran PT KAI Daop 5 Purwokerto, from Tuesday (5/6) to Tuesday (26/6 ). Most incidents, that is, 10 stone throwing in the train

Of the ten incidents of stone-throwing, security forces arrested four perpetrators. Three perpetrators were prosecuted. One of the authors identified as having mental disorders

PT KAI Daop's public relations 5 Purwokerto Ixfan Hendriwintoko explained, for the case of theft occurred at the Bumiayu station. This case is still being handled by the police.

Goods left at Daop 5, recorded 33 incidents. 28 of them were returned to their owners. "Most things left in the lobby when booking tickets or mobile phones left in the railroad when the battery is charged, or fall out of the pocket," Ixfan said Thursday (28/6).

The Lebaran transport period is also colored by accident. Data Daop 5, seven times the temperament events in the region Cilacap, Banyumas and Kebumen. "Natural losses are badly hurt," he said. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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