Early detection increases chances of breast cancer cure


The death rate from bad cancer is quite high in Indonesia.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Linda Gumelar, president of the Indonesian Breast Cancer Foundation (YKPI), said early detection increases the chances of recovery for cancer survivors. "Breast cancer can be cured, life chances can reach 98%, provided that cancer is detected early," Linda said in Jakarta on Tuesday (30/10).

He gave an example of himself suffering from bad cancer for 21 years. "As long as routine treatments and the maintenance of a lifestyle are doomed to bad cancer at an early stage," he said.

According to Globacan 2018 data, Linda revealed that the incidence of bad cancer among Indonesian women diagnosed with cancer was highest, about 42.1%. The bad cancer mortality rate is also quite high in Indonesia.

This happens because patients usually come to see a doctor, nearly 70% of them are already in advanced stages. He also asked cancer patients not to look at herbal remedies.

"For this, women must always do early screening for bad cancer through a self-examination and a clinical bad exam," said Linda.

In addition, other cancer patients must help each other through difficult times while improving their quality of life. "I think that the motivation of bad cancer patients, that they are not alone, has to be optimistic, everything is a test and many people can experience it," said Linda.

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