Early detection of urinary tract infection in pregnant women


Today, Pkl. 19:26 WIB • Seen 54 times • http://www.mdn.biz.id/o/45214/

Ketua Community Service Team Dr. Sri Amelia MKes, take pictures with the member of the Dr. team Tetty Aman MMedSc Nasution, Dr. Dian Wahyuni ​​SpMK, Dr. Rina Yunita SpMK, and Community Service Participants, at PB Medan Selayang's Kelurahan office, Tuesday (24/7/2018). (dewi syahruni lubis)

Medanbisnisdaily.com – Medan. Pregnant women are at higher risk of urinary tract infections. This is due to one of them by hormonal influences, in addition to increasing pregnancy conditions so that the uterus can suppress the urinary tract, making frequent urination, can also increase the risk of this infection

) USU, held a community service on the theme: Early Detection of Symptomless Urinary Infection in Pregnant Women in Kecamatan Medan Selayang

Fully Participant of Sub-district PB Selayang 2. Community service was implemented in 3 stages, from May to July 2018 "If it does not maintain the hygiene of the reproductive organs, it will facilitate the pbadage of normal bacteria around the anus to the urethra which is the outermost part of the urinary tract.In the urethra is a normal flora, the good bacteria that serves to prevent bacteria not the good cause of the disease, "said the president of the team of community service Dr. Sri Amelia MKes accompanied by members of Dr. Tetty Aman Nasution MMedSc, Dr. Dian Wahyuni ​​SpMK, and Dr. Rina Yunita SpMK at MedanBisnisDaily.Com, after the event, at Kelurahan PB Medan Selayang office, Tuesday (24/7/2018).

However, if the normal flora moves upwards (urinary tract) in humid or hormonal conditions in pregnant women, it will rise causing a urinary tract infection

"If infected, the bacterium will go anywhere, leading to there being an early contraction in pregnant women, premature birth, fetal death, abnormal birth weight, etc., "he explains.

Therefore, his side educates pregnant women, how to maintain the cleanliness of reproductive organs and how to prevent infections. urine, so as not to affect the state of the uterus.

As for, added Dr. Sri, from the results of the examination, and this time is the 3rd step. The first step involves the socialization of community service, so that mothers are more concerned with maintaining the hygiene of their private space. Then, the second step, he took the urine of pregnant women, and then took him to the laboratory to badess whether the sprouts found a cause of urinary infection or not

"Incidentally, we also come from the Department of microbiology, so check urine alone According to the results of the study, he said, 33 pregnant women, there are 16 people, there are significant urinary bacteria (significant urea bacteria With a percentage of 40% .Bacteria in the urine, if they are below 100,000 (unit forming a colony), are still considered normal.However, out of 16 people were found more than 100 thousand amount of bakeri in the urine.If the number of germs is significant means that thousands have a urinary tract infection without symptoms

"The symptoms of pregnant women, go to the toilet several times, because if a lot of bacteria are going stimulate the bladder to contract.

Indeed, this infection can occur in non-pregnant women or even in men, the most common symptom of people who are anyang-anyangan, that is to say, urinate, but not satisfied (dip ). Then the pain of urination and heat. If she can not resist urination can also include urinary tract infections.

"The solution if exposed to this disease, it is advisable to immediately consult the doctor.Only antibiotics will be administered.If pregnant women receive antibiotics then the drug should be safe for the fetus and not" Pending Dr. Tetty adds, in a bladder channel infection, there is no symptomatic (asymptomatic) term. If this happens then it should be in the screening. And this should be done periodically.

Supposedly, he says, it is there that the examination of urine is done. But this is not mandatory, but it is still provided an education to these pregnant women so that they can understand, whether there is a symptom or not.

"We also recommend a 9 month precautionary pregnancy test," he said. .

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