"Eat Eat" Apparently, So Heart Attack Trigger, Want Healthy Come Eat It!


BANJARMASINPOST.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Heart disease can be triggered from several causes, one of which is an unhealthy lifestyle.

Urban dwellers generally apply such lifestyles, commonly referred to as sedentary

] According to the heart and blood specialists, Dr. Johan Winata, sp. JP (K) FIHA, the current society tends to be lazy to move and apply poor diet

This is what promotes the emergence of cholesterol disease and can affect the performance of other organs .

Cholesterol Can Cause Heart Disease

"Lifestyle is very influential, current lifestyle trends are sedentary, which means rarely move, even to take a lazy drink because it rarely moves and a bad diet, triggering cholesterol that increases in the body ". Senayan, South Jakarta, Tuesday (10/7/2018)

Doctors practicing at Pondok Indah Puri Indah Hospital have also suggested that the consumption of healthy foods is done routinely.

One of them consuming fish oil containing omega 3 and olive oil with omega 6 content.

Keep in mind many properties that can be obtained by consuming olive oil

is that omega-3 and omega-6 can prevent these deadly diseases.

"Foods (which) can greatly prevent heart disease such as omega-3 fish oil and omega-6 olive oil," says Dr. Johan

He also explained that good olive oil is regularly eaten twice a day.

But the consumption of both oils must also be balanced with exercise which must also be done regularly

"Can consumption of olive oil two tablespoons a day, in addition, regular exercise is also recommended," said Dr. Johan.

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