Effective July 1, 2018, the rate adjustment for natural trolling trains


BANDUNG, KOMPAS.com – Since July 1, 2018, PT Kereta Api Indonesia has been charging a partial fare for subsidized medium and long distance trains

"There is no such thing as" "There are rate adjustments based on mileage," said PT KAI Daop 2 Bandung Public Relations Director Joni Martinus at Kompas.com on Friday (29/06/2018).

With this policy, the fare will be calculated on the basis of the mileage that has been determined. For example KA Serayu Senen-Tarikmalaya market destination.

Up to here, the tariff of the Serayu Railway is Rp 67,000. With the new system, the fare is cheaper at 63,000 Rp if the destination distance is less than 332 kilometers.

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Joni explains, partial on the basis of this distance in accordance with Regulation No. 31 of 2018 of the Minister of Transport on pbadenger transport rates for persons with economy clbad rail service for the implementation of Public Service Obligations (OPS)

Daop 2 Bandung, namely:

1. KA Kahuripan relation Kiaracondng-Blitar PP (700 Km). For a distance of 0-526 Km apply the rate Rp 80.000 and the distance farther than 526 Km apply the rate Rp 84.000

2. KA Pasundan Kiaracondong-Surabaya Gubeng PP relationship (691 Km). For a distance of 0-519 Km, apply the tariff Rp 88.000 and the distance farther than 519 Km apply the tariff Rp 94.000.

3. KA Serayu relationship Kiaracondong-Kroya PP (421 Km). For a distance of 0-332 Km apply the rate Rp 63.000 and the distance farther than 332 Km apply the rate Rp 67.000

4. KA South Kutojaya relationship Kiaracondong-Kuoarjo PP (319 Km). For a distance of 0-240 Km apply the rate of Rp 58.000 and a distance greater than 240 Km apply the tariff Rp 62.000

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