Effective measures to keep heat away from the sun


KOMPAS.com – Although sunlight can prevent depression and make people happy, but the excess of light has a detrimental effect.

In tropical countries like Indonesia, too much light enters the house even to heat the house.

As a result, the temperature of the room will increase. In addition, the glare of incoming sunlight can disrupt the vision of its inhabitants.

Some interior spaces have different lighting requirements. For some rooms like kitchens, work space, stairs and garden light directly from the sun is very good and corresponds to the function of the room.

While the room is often used for rest, as a bedroom, dining room or family room, either using inverted light or reflected light.

Well, these steps can be applied to a room that has a high intensity of light

Add a canopy to the window

the lanai on the deepest part .

Can also add an awning to the outside of the window. This addition is able to dispel the baking sun

  The Curtain The Curtain

Suspend the curtain

The easiest way is to add a curtain to each window and slot. The ability of each curtain to overheat the heat of the sun varies, depending on the fabric and the thickness.

According to the study of the US Department of Energy (DOE), the use of a plastic curtain can reduce heat by 33%

. ] Compared to glbad or film glbad, hanging a curtain on the window is more flexible, because you can always feel the sunlight when needed. But this way is also more troublesome if you have a lot of windows in the house.

Planting Vines or Bushes

Vines, other than those used for the artistic needs of the home, also have many other advantages. One of them is a heat and light scatterer.

This method takes a relatively long time to wait for the plants to grow through the window.

Replacement of window pane

Reflective glbad. Reflective glbad is a glbad that has a special metallic coating to reflect light.

If it's too expensive, you can coat it with a movie window. The film's glbad coating will prevent the sun from entering the room

but be aware that reflective glbad is easily scratched and influences the outlook.

Reduce the number and size of windows

If in a dark house, you need to increase the number of windows for the light to enter the room. So the house is too bright, it's the opposite. You can reduce the number of windows and slits.

Reduce the number and size of windows exposed to sunlight during the afternoon. It is better to use reflective light rather than direct sunlight

However, it should be noted that the reduction of cracks and windows can have an effect on the air circulation [f, b, e, v, n, t, s] ] (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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