JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Trade Minister Enggariasto Lukita will call on stakeholders to discuss the issue of rising chicken egg prices on the market.
The plan, the meeting will be held at the office of the Ministry of Commerce on Monday (16/7/2018).
"Rising prices of eggs and chicken, we are aware of asks and asks Monday after we invite stakeholders such as independent breeders, laying hens, Food vendors discuss and evaluate why this has happened, "said Enggar in his office, Jakarta, Friday (13/7/2018). not knowing exactly why egg prices are increasing in the market. On that basis, he will call the parties concerned to find the cause.
Also read: Chicken egg prices rise to 29,000 rupees a kilo
"We want to hear from the author if this is due to the exchange rate of the rupee, Wait Monday, so Monday I told you after meeting depository "said Enggar.
Rising prices of chicken eggs made consumers complain. The price of chicken eggs in the country, at Market Pal Merah on Friday (13/7/2018), reached Rp 29,000.
The increase in the price of chicken eggs last week made a scene Community. The increase in the price of chicken eggs is Rp 5,000 to Rp 7,000 per kilo from the normal price of Rp 22,000 to Rp 24,000
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