Eight cities in southern Syria return to total control of government regimes


DARAA, KOMPAS.com – At least eight rebel-held towns in southern Syria, returned under the control of Bashar al-Assad's regime after an agreement brokered by the Russians has been concluded.

He launched an offensive and bombed the southern region of Syria since June 19 to conquer a strategic area bordering Jordan and the Golan Heights occupied by Israel.The agreement of eight cities of the province of Daraa was concluded despite an air raid

"At least eight cities in the north and east of Daraa have approved the reconciliation agreement after the talks in each city."

See also: Russia gives Syrian rebels to Daraa 12 hours to surrender 19659002] "Talks are held between Russian military and local leaders and rebel representatives Rami Abdel Rahman reported : AFP .

The agreement became the latest in a series of reconciliation agreements that were conducted across Syria to restore control of the occupied territories.

The agreement offered by the regime often accompanies the need for opposition groups to surrender their heavy weapons and allow the remaining members to be evacuated to the regime [19659006] (19459007), agreement between the cities of Dael, Eastern Ghariya, Talul Khlaaf and Tal al-Sheikh Hussein

"The City-the city came back under the control of the government regime after the men of the guerrillas" SANA .

The Observatory said that other cities that have returned under the control of the Syrian government are in the cities of Ibtaa, Ghariya Barat, Umm Umar and East Karak.

See also: Syrian military attack in the Daraa region, 45,000 escaped populations

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