Electric PCX Honda PCX Battery


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Honda Motor Co., Ltd. and Panasonic Corporation has agreed to start cooperation in the development of batteries for electric mobility, including electric motorcycles in Indonesia.

This cooperation will result in Honda Mobile Power Pack, a removable battery for various uses. The research itself will begin in December 2018 in two regions, namely Bandung, West Java and Bali.

Asked about this latter opinion, Thomas Wijaya, Marketing Director of PT Astra Honda Motor (AHM), explains that the cooperation is geared to the product at (19459004)

"We have already planned, for the first step we are preparing for PCX EV (electric), "said Thomas last weekend at (19659007) Honda PCX Electric at Tokyo Motor Show 2017" Aditya Maulana – KompasOtomotif Honda continues to build a new model for the future PCX Electric at the Tokyo Motor Show 2017

"The role of AHM in this cooperation for such purposes in the future", he said.

The concept of this battery becomes a way out, especially facilitate consumers in countries where the infrastructure is still minimal.

This model is like the concept of battery exchange that worked in Taiwan by the brand Gogoro

Thus the users of electric motors n & # 39; o No longer need to wait long to charge the battery, just exchange the empty battery. Just like buying a gallon of water or a 3kg gas bottle.

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