Elon Musk criticized for the victim of the cave of Thailand Cibir Rescue Rescue


Liputan6.com, San Francisco – The rescue mission of the victims of the underground caves in Chiang Rai, Thailand, went well.

Initially, the victim was about to be rescued by a mini submarine sent directly by Elon Musk. However, Musk's plan to send the submarine failed in the middle of the road

In return, the rescue action was conducted by a professional British diver named Vernon Unsworth.

The man who has lived for years in Thailand has managed an adult who is a football team from Thailand.

Unfortunately, Elon Musk criticized what Unsworth did. In a cuitan that has now been removed, Elon Musk calls the Unsworth Effort a " settingan ".

Musk pointed out that Unsworth's submersible vessel was not able to survive when it was brought to a depth of 50 meters. Know right please just post a video (rescue action) We will keep trying to create this submarine .. Sorry pedophile, you asked him too, " said Elon Musk in his cuitan. 19659002] Cuitan Elon Musk has turned out to be a negative reaction of the warganet. Most blame him for having insulted Unsworth by saying pedo alias "pedophile." In fact, Unsworth Never came across a case of pedophilia.

"It's disgusting if Elon Musk wants to get a publication like this, I'm no longer a fan of Elon Musk," cooked One of the warganets

Elon Musk was answered by Unsworth

The man even said that Musk's plan to bring a submarine to an underground cavern would not work "He (Musk) does not know the concept and the narrow path of the cave," said Unsworth.

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