Entry and rage in a house, kangaroos are locked in a toilet


SYDNEY, KOMPAS.com – A kangaroo scares a family from entering their home by breaking windows at midnight.

Mafi Ahokavo and his partner and their three-year-old son sleep in the Deer Park home. Then they wake up with a noise like a car accident.

Ahokavo investigates the voice and is surprised to find a kangaroo in the house.

"I have never seen a kangaroo in my life". The Telegraph Monday (30/7/2018).

Also read: Children Visitors Kangaroo Enthusiasts, Zoo Sued

The kangaroo then cracked another window, scratching The car damaged the wall before the owner locked it finally in the toilet.

Ahokavo contacted the police who transmitted it to the animal safety authorities

Manfred Zabinskas, rescuer, noticed the condition of the kangaroos in the bathroom. The beast looked exhausted and lay on the ground.

The toilet seat in the bathroom looked badly damaged with blood stains from kangaroos.

"I put a blanket on him and injected him with a sedative," he added. Zabinskas said that the incident of kangaroos entering the house is rare, especially infiltrated through closed windows with curtains.

He believes that kangaroos are frightened by dogs or trucks and motorcycles crossing the streets. "When they are angry, kangaroos can destroy things, they can be dangerous, even worse for themselves than humans," said Zabinskas.

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He brought the animal to the vet to sew his wounds.

AFP reported, the kangaroo named Norman escaped from a cage on the outskirts of Melbourne

A loud noise triggers his fears causing high stress that can cause a paralysis.

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