EU: Israel's attack on Gaza is worrisome


Weekend attack kills dozens of Palestinians

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BRUSSELS – EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini expressed concern over an Israeli rocket fire into the Gaza Strip. It was delivered at a press conference after a meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council on Monday (13/7).

million. Mogherini said the situation in the Gaza Strip was discussed at the meeting. "We have seen a very alarming escalation with heavy Israeli rocket attacks since 2014," he said, quoted on page Anadolu Agency .

According to him, the EU will urge all parties involved in the escalation in the Gaza Strip to end the violence. "We are all in agreement to use all our channels to urge the parties to take action, stop the violence, prevent the war and alleviate the situation for the people on the ground," Mogherini said.

See also, Israeli air strike kills Gaza boy again

Last weekend, Israel launched an airstrike on Gaza. The attack killed at least 30 Palestinians killed in Gaza, including children.

Responding to the attack, Hamas then launched rockets and mortars into Israeli territory. The attack reportedly left four wounded among the Israelis.

Since late March, the situation in the Gaza Strip has indeed warmed up, that is to say when thousands of Palestinians staged a demonstration on the Israeli border. They demanded that Israel return the land it had seized after the Arab War of 1948. The mbades of the pub expressed their condemnation of the United States (US) who moved their embbady to Jerusalem.

However, Israeli security forces responded maliciously to mbad action. Not only were teargas fired, but Israeli snipers also fired on the residents. More than 100 people have been killed and thousands more injured since the action took place in March.

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