EU leaders agree on migration policy in Europe


Refugees descended from the Italian Coast Guard ship, Dattilo, in a port in Valencia, Spain on Sunday (17/6). – EU leaders finally agreed on migration and refugee policies in the region.

Talks between the leaders of the European Union (EU) are difficult for almost 10 hours in Brussels, Belgium

"EU28 leaders accepted the conclusions of this high-level meeting, including in terms of migration, "said Donald Tusk, the leader of the talks, as reported by Reuters Friday As previously, Italy had blocked all the agreements of the meeting, which also covered trade issues and security, unless the EU approves its request on the issue of migration.

BBC reports Italian threats vetoing all decisions that other members have accepted if they did not receive help to handle refugee issues.

Italy has become the main entrance of refugees, mainly Africa Although the wave of refugees to Europe is no longer as important as what happened in 2015, the flow of refugees is still going on.

At the beginning of the month, ships carrying refugees were denied boarding in Italy. The ship was finally able to rely on Malta after a close negotiation between European leaders

. In addition to Italy, Greece has become the main destination for refugees from Africa and the Middle East. After entering Greece, refugees usually go to other EU countries.

One of the agreements reached at the meeting was the creation of a refugee center and migrants could be driven to EU countries voluntarily. This facility will deal with cases where migrants are actually displaced from their country of origin and those who are not.

Migrants entering the second category will be returned to their country of origin. However, no clear definition of the two categories is given

and the EU also agreed to strengthen control of its external borders and increase funding for Turkey, Morocco and Turkey. Other countries of North Africa

. a greater effort to prevent new sea and land routes to Europe

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