NEW YORK, KOMPAS.com – The Wall Street stock index, the US stock market, strikes sharply at the close of trading on Wednesday (25/7/2018) after President Donald Trump reportedly obtained concessions from the European Union to avoid a trade war.
This optimism inflated the Dow Jones Industrial Avarage 172.16 points to 25,414.10 after briefly dropping more than 100 points in the first session. While the Nasdaq Composite grew by 1.2% and reached a record of 7,932.24, parent company Google, Alphabet, Facebook and Amazon all jumped. The S & P 500 rose 0.9 percent to 2,846.07
cited by CNBC, Dow Jones reported, the EU agreed to import more soy from the states -United. Dow Jones also said that the EU will reduce tariffs for industrial products.
Caterpillar shares jumped 1.8% in addition to the report. Ford also shares rebound after briefly falling to 4% early in the session
Reports arrived after European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker met with President Trump to discuss issues commercial. In recent months, trade tensions between the United States and the EU have tightened.
In June, the United States threatened the EU to impose tariffs on imported cars. EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said that if the US effectively enforces this import duty, it would be very unfavorable and the EU has already counted countermeasures
. The bipartisan senators have announced a settlement that could delay the imposition of tariffs by the Trump government.
In the mentioned regulation, the International Trade Commission (ITC) undertook a comprehensive study of the vitality of health and industry before it could impose tariffs. , b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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