Even-odd routes available on "Google Maps"


The Asian Games: The BPTJ publishes three transport policy packages for the Asian Games

With the Google Maps application, users will be able to obtain information on the routes to be followed to use private vehicles in order to do not violate odd policies. ]

JAKARTA – In the Google Maps application, it is now possible to find another route for the expansion of odd and numbered registration plates on the Jakarta Artery.

Bambang Prihartono, director of the Jakarta Transportation Management Agency. Thursday (12/7), explaining the availability of these features is the result of cooperation with BPTJ Google management

"When the process of drafting transport policies to support the Asian Games has unfolded there BPTJ has invited Google management to help support this policy, "he said. The odd policy on the Jakarta Arterial Road was tested as of July 2, 2018.

Communities were able to take advantage of the Google Maps application to find alternative routes for vehicles affected by odd policies.

The Jakarta artery is part of a set of traffic management policies developed by the government to support the smooth running of the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta.

Originally, the odd font was only applied on three arteries between 6: 00-09: 00 and 16: 00-20: 00. (19659004) With the expansion of odd-even policy is applied in 10 arteries from 18:00 to 21:00 every day, including Saturday and Sunday.

Participation, following Bambang, finally manifested the direction of Google with updating the Google Maps application so that the alternative route features available are now available after it has implemented odd policy expansion.

According to Bambang, the features provided by Google Maps are also useful for the community to recognize faster the expansion of odd policies and encourage them to adapt more quickly.

this latest Google Maps application is the user of the application will get information on which route / route should be pbaded if you use a private vehicle so as not to violate even odd policy

Bambang said that the user will also get information on the travel time required the proposed alternative.

Transport Policy

Not only the chances of the current trend, Bambang mentioned that most of the public are more familiar only mention the implementation of even odd policies to support the good transportation of the 2018 Asian Games.

Bambang baderted, the transport policy prepared by the government to support the Asian Games of 2018 there are three policies. Three policies are related one to the other: traffic engineering management, public transport provision and freight traffic organization.

The expansion of even odd policy, according to Bambang, is part of the traffic management policy. it also applies the toll closing policy and opens the closed toll gate. The closing of this priority toll will be applied from 06:00 to 17:00 WIB and from 12:00 to 21:00 every day

The closing of the toll is a priority for the Kemayoran Atlet road, Gelora Bung Karno (GBK), Velodrome Rawamangun and Cibubur. Next, the public transport policy aims to support the mobility of people through the policy of regulating the use of private vehicles and to meet the needs of spectators and tourists. (19659004) Thirdly, the policy of restricting freight traffic is applied by extending the scope of restrictions on the carriage of goods belonging to categories III, IV and V on certain toll roads.

Ant / P-5

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