Every month 10 to 15 residents of Blitar are infected with the HIV virus | Nation online


Chief of Disease Prevention Prevention at the Blitar District Health Unit, Krisna Yekti.

BLITAR, BANGSAONLINE.com – The rate of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in Blitar district is becoming more alarming. The local health unit notes that every month, at least 10 to 15 new patients are infected with HIV. This was expressed by the head of the prevention of disease eradication at the Blitar District Health Unit, Krisna Yekti.

"Every month, 10 to 15 new victims are reported to us – it is only the report or the conclusions of the Dinkas officers, which means that it is always possible that people have not reported themselves or even have closed up when they feel they have contracted the virus, "Yekti said. 11/2018).

New HIV / AIDS patients in the Blitar regency are dominated by working-age residents aged 35 to 45 years. But some of them are still toddlers and teens. In addition to being dominated by the productive age group, those who contract HIV on average are those who are at high risk for HIV transmission.

"Most cases are badually transmitted, and most of them are high-risk groups, but there are also housewives and young children. usually their husbands, while infants are infected by their mothers, "he explained.

According to him, since its discovery in 2005, the number of people living with HIV / AIDS has reached 1 332. Of this number, 361 have died. "Of these, 612 are HIV-positive, while 710 have AIDS," he added.

In response to the growing spread of HIV / AIDS, the Blitar Regency government, through the Health Office, has made a number of efforts. One of them is to make efforts to socialize and educate the public about the dangers and transmission of HIV / AIDS. While those who have contracted DHO continue to provide routine treatment and provide badistance.

"In addition to socializing to cope with the widespread transmission of treatment viruses to those who have already contracted it, it is also ongoing." Through the hospital's voluntary counseling and testing clinic Ngudi Waluyo, at Blitar Regency, "he concluded. (ina / rev)

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