JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – It is known that every motorcycle has a different engine oil capacity. This quote should be respected by motorcycle owners.
Citing the official website of Wahana Makmur Sejati, it is mentioned that excess oil can have detrimental effects on the machine.
Wahana mentions that many think that the amount of oil will provide good oil. But this hypothesis is false.
In fact, the excess of oil will actually have an impact on the degradation of quality. The reason, when the engine is running, will cause bubbles in the oil spill, then collide with the weight balance
Read also: Calculate the time oil change for Vespa in the big city

"In Normal dosage, the oil should not need to seep.If the oil floods the engine, the oil will be easily cloudy and will make quality declines, "writes Wahana
Thus, the excess volume will actually cause obstacles on the machine.As engine performance seems heavy and makes engine performance sluggish.
Also read: Reverse Flow, Motorcycle Rover Suggestion of draining 39, oil
"From now on, avoid excess oil on the engine has suffered damage, "Wahana said.
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