Exhibition on food ingredients, opportunities for Indonesia to introduce the local Mamin


JawaPos.com – Indonesia will soon hold the Food Ingredient Asia 2018 exhibition week. This time, Indonesia regularly organizes events every year between l & # 3939; Indonesia and Thailand since 2010.

Adhi S Lukman, president of the Indonesian Association of Food and Beverage Entrepreneurs (GAPMMI), said that Indonesia had the opportunity to introduce the "Lukman". Indonesian food and beverage industry locally on the international scene.

"This gives the opportunity to the mamin industry to continue to grow, both in local and international markets," said Adhi at the Ritz Carlton Jakarta Hotel on Wednesday. (4/7).

According to him, the food and beverage industry becomes the priority subsector in 2018, which could become the engine of growth of the non-oil industry. He predicted that this year's Mamin industry could grow 10% by 2017.

The trend of food and beverages is now leading to products with national flavors, no longer on Western flavors such as Italian and French specialties.

"For example, Indonesia's interest in coffee is very high, and innovations such as locally tasted noodles are becoming increasingly popular," he said.

But unfortunately, the majority of raw materials for industrial food are still imported. Adhi gives examples such as wheat is still fully imported, 80% imported milk, 70% salt, 80% sugar and 60% -70% dyes and flavors.

"Local actors must therefore strengthen the production of raw materials by continuing to innovate and develop the wealth of Indonesia, of course, this is supported by adequate research," he said. he adds.

In this case, GAPMMI plans to educate the global supply of value opportunities that is closely related to the availability of materials and value-added products to provide more competitiveness.

For information, Fi Asia 2018 will be held at JIExpo Kemayoran from October 3 to 5, 2018 with more than 750 local and international food and beverage exhibitors present.

(nas / JPC)

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