Explosion of fireworks kills 24 people in Mexico


Permission from the fireworks plant will be reviewed

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MEXICO CITY – Two explosions occurred in a fireworks workshop in Tultepec, near the capital of Mexico City Thursday (5/6). The blast killed at least 24 people, including rescuers, and dozens more injured.

After the first explosion, firefighters, police and other rescue volunteers arrived at the scene. Nahas, the second explosion followed that rescuers were also victims.

"The emergency teams arrive as soon as there is the first blast report.When the second blast occurs, the team members are killed and wounded", indicated an official statement issued by the Mexican state on Thursday (5/7). aired on local TV channels, smoke spots rising above buildings on the outskirts of Tultepec. A number of firefighters and rescuers returned to the scene.

The Attorney General's Office of the Mexican State, the most populous state in the country, said 17 people had been killed at the scene and seven died ill while 49 others were reportedly injured

In December 2016, a series of major explosions also took place on the fireworks market in Tultepec, located about 32 km north of Mexico City. The incident killed dozens of people

The head of the Mexican Civil Protection, Luis Felipe Puente, said that the sale of fireworks in the area would be suspended and that the permits of the Fireworks factory would be re-examined [1965900] v, n, t, s)
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