Extended war of commerce in Canada! – Lampost.co


H. Bambang Eka Wijaya 04 Jul 2018 – 5:30 123

Canada Responds to the 25% Customs Tariff on US Steel Imports and Intensifies its Trade War After the EU last week imposing import duties of 25% on US products. . Canada against tariffs on steel imports in the United States on Sunday (1/7/2018) by increasing customs duties on US exports of 12.5 billion US dollars.

Canada imposes a 10% tax on 80 American products such as ] table syrup coffee beans and strawberry jam. The EU imposed a 25% duty on US goods, including motorcycles, orange juice, peanut butter, cigarettes and denim CNNMoney . proportional after the coming into force of the new Canadian steel and aluminum tariffs in the United States as of June 1, 2018. This new tariff is considered to be very restrictive for Canada. Canada has increased its import tariffs in the United States

Canada is the largest exporter of US steel worth $ 5.5 billion, followed by Korea's South with $ 3.11 billion, Mexico 2, 97 billion US dollars, Brazil 2.57 billion US dollars, and China, 1.96 billion US dollars. ( Kompas.com 2/7/2018)

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeu says that Canada's actions are a natural thing to do. "I made it clear to President Trump that we are not happy to do that (in response to the application of import tariffs), but we really have to do it," he said. he said.

Law at the World Trade Organization (WTO). Meanwhile, Canada and Mexico have jointly asked the United States to renegotiate the NAFTA rules.

"Global economic conditions six months ago are getting bleaker," said Christine Lagarde, Executive Director of the IMF.

Lagarde's answer was made after Trump left the G-7 summit in June 2018, while grumbled via his account twitter the US withdrew their support In a joint statement, blaming the Prime Minister of Canada as a weak and dishonest figure.

Member States lobbying the G7 in Trump in the United States to overturn the tariff policy, to fail. Instead, Trump has challenged G7 member states to abolish tariffs and subsidies with threats from the United States to stop trading with neighboring countries. ) {
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