
Bisnis.com JAKARTA – Facebook is making changes to the advertising provisions on its platform to make ads and pages more transparent.
According to a statement written by Product Management Manager Rob Leathern and Product Marketing Manager Emma Rodgers, advertisers now need to provide more detailed information about the organizations and advertisements they broadcast. With this transparency, users can see ads served by a page on Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and other Facebook partner networks, even if the user is not the target of
Way, user just login to Facebook, visit any page and select "Info and Ad". Then the user will see the visual appearance and the ad text of the page. Users can also mark a suspicious advertisement by clicking on "Report Ad".
In addition, users can learn more about a particular page, even if they do not advertise, can easily see the information when the page was created.
"We will be adding more information on one page in the coming weeks," says Rodgers
Meanwhile, before the elections in Brazil in October, Facebook added a labeling system and ranking for advertisements. politics in the South American country. This feature is similar to the one previously launched in the US last May.
In reference to the system, every political advertiser in Brazil has to register on Facebook before displaying their ads as early as next month.
The Brazilian Society will see a special label on election ads in their country and all these advertisements will be added to the Facebook archive.
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