Facebook Survey Kian Melebar


Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg speaks at the annual Facebook F8 conference in San Jose, California, USA on April 18, 2017. – Reuters

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – L & # US federal agency is extending its investigation into the case of Facebook's data abuse involving Cambridge Analytica policy consultant.

Based on a report The Washington Post cited Reuters an investigation involving 3 US institutions including the Securities and Exchange Commission on the actions and statements of the Internet giant .

Facebook representatives declare that they will cooperate and cooperate with the authorities of the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries.

"We have testified publicly, answered questions, and promise to continue to help their ongoing investigation," said Facebook's representative Reuters Tuesday (3/7/2018).

The survey is highlighted on Facebook's description of the access information they provide to Cambridge Analytica. The investigators sought to prove whether the fact that Facebook revealed about the problem was intact.

In addition to the United States and the United Kingdom, various authorities in several countries have also increased their monitoring of Facebook. This is the result of the Facebook scandal concerning the leak of 87 million user data.

Indonesia has become one of the countries affected by this affair. Based on data released by Mike Schroepfer's chief technology officer of 87 million Facebook user data badociated with the Cambridge Analytica case, no less than 1.3%, or about 1.09 million Facebook users in Indonesia.

The Department of Communications and Computer Science has called Facebook representatives. He asked Facebook to continue to report on the progress of the AC and provide an audit of the case. Until the results of the audit are downgraded, the government also requests that all third-party applications, such as quiz applications on the platform, be deactivated.

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