Facilitating Millennial Generation, Minister of Manpower Hanif inaugurated the Kemnaker Innovation Hall


Jakarta – As a form of government concern for creative and innovative young people, Minister of Labor Mr. Hanif Dhakiri inaugurated the innovation hall located on the ground floor floor of the building of the Department of Manpower. 6/2018)

The facilities and programs designed by Team Innovation Room Kemnaker will help young people known as startups to develop digital businesses and other creative projects.

Minister Hanif Affirms Mastery of Child-dominated Technology Youth Encourages Kemnaker to Facilitate the Creation of Youth to Reduce the Number of Unemployed Youth and Create New Jobs for Generation Y

"J & # 39; invites creative youngsters and millennials who have big dreams to come en mbade using this facility, said Minister Hanif.

Minister Hanif said that the hall of innovation I will be an extraordinary container for today 's young, flexible, fast and dynamic, who will become the backbone of the creative industry in Indonesia.

"Inovation Room is also a manifestation of Kemnaker's commitment to improving the quality and ability of the young workforce to welcome new industries and compete with global market". digital with new professions that have not been contained in the world of education such as UI / UX Designer (to design apps that appeal to the user), social media marketing, marketing digital, data scientist, etc.

Innovation Room said that Menaker should provide an update on the mastery of technology and understanding of the industry to understand the know-how and know-how related to technologies and production processes to create prototypes, test and demonstrate, duplicate and adapt the required technology.

"I hope that the concept of the Kemnaker innovation hall can be cloned by a co-working space that has been largely initiated by the industry.Finally, Minister Hanif has explained that the development of Innovation Room is based on a broad understanding of the potential of Indonesia as a country with the number of start-ups. (Up to 1830 startups based on start-up ranking data at 22 June 2018). "With this number, Indonesia ranks 6th in the world," he said.

The above amount Menaker Hanif, According to the data of l & # 39; Survey of the penetration and behavior of users of Indonesia Internet Year 2017 led by the Association of Internet Service Providers Indonesia, the number of Internet users in Indonesia has reached 143.26 million or 54.68 percent of the total population of Indonesia up to 262 million

"Internet users in Indonesia, it is dominated by a relatively young population aged 19 to 34, which reaches 49.52% of total Internet users," he said.

In his speech, Menaker also urged all banking and venture capital partners not to hesitate. in collaboration with the authors of this Kemnaker Innovation Hall

"We hope that this collaboration will give birth to a new business creator.At the same time, it will be an important new job creation model that will be very handsome if it is launched by the Department of the Workforce itself, "he said

Source: BeritaSatu. com

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