Famous French criminal outing out of Bak Film Action Prison, use the helicopter by this route


SRIPOKU.COM – Redoine Faid (46 years old) escaped from prison in the Paris suburb of Reau, France

The famous French criminal escaped with a helicopter.

The helicopter was diverted from the flight monitor

Then the helicopter landed in the prison yard around 11:15 local time

So the statement of the French Minister of Justice on Sunday (1/7/2018) reported by AFP.

Redoine Faid escaped from prison with the help (19659008) Read: Here's how to safely get out of WhatsApp Group unknown to other members

Helicopter abandoned by criminals.

Both men are wearing black clothes with badault rifles. France who brought Redoine Faid to escape from prison in Reau. (AFP / Geoffroy Van Der Hbadelt)

Then they blew up a smoke bomb

Then they broke into the prison visiting room

They entered the school when Faid spoke to his brother and then placed in custody

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